October 24, 2015
Discover how through breathing you can change your mental habits, emotional, diet and addictions
Yoguini: Swara Sakti (Alejandra Leos Pantoja) INTERNATIONAL PRANAYAMA & SWARA YOGA INSTRUCTOR, Certified International Yoga Federation , International Yoga Registry with Swamini Ma Shaktiananda. Spinning Certified Instructor and Mountain bike Instructor / PERSONAL DETOX PROGRAM (in TAMPICO TAMAULIPAS Director of SWARA YOGA ASHRAM TAMPICO TAMAULIPAS
Ashramacharini Swamini: Ma Shaktiananda. “GURUMA” she is the spiritual guide of Ashram (School of yoga). Representative in Mexico of INTERNATIONAL YOGA FEDERATION. Lineage: Dharmachary Swami Maitreyananda (President of the International Yoga Council and of the International Yoga Federation)) Swami Asuri Kapila, Sri Aurobindo, Ramana Maharshi. Founds SHAKTIOM Cozumel Yoga Center in 1996. She is the ASHRAMACHARYA of Swami Ashram Maitreyananda in the Mexican Caribbean where she offer THE INTERNATIONAL YOGA TEACHER TRAINING in Purna Yoga Integral and many different methods, stilyes and techniques of yoga / www.yogamexico.net / facebook: Swamini Ma Shaktiananda