

COZUMEL YOGA AT THE BEACH / Please call to confirm your assistence , the class is given with 2 students minimum > Call or send a message .  TELF 8691055  WHATSAPP: +1 52 9871113632 MAIL: yogacozumel@gmail.com /  SCHEDULE: BIKINI YOGA 11:30 am -  wednesdays  SUNSET YOGA 6:15 am tuesdays-thursdays and saturdays  / At CAFE DEL MARE LOUNGE BAR  main streeth Rafael Melgar NORTH SIDE, Playa Casitas 2th Palapa. facebook: Cafe del Mare- Cozumel


Come and practice yoga with us! After the YOGA CLASS  we seat togueter and drink a nice DETOX JUICE. You will meet new friends here in the island from all over the world !  facebook: CAFÉ DEL MARE - COZUMEL  and the facebook of ower Ashram: COZUMEL YOGA CENTER SHAKTIOMYOGA at the BEACH with SWAMINI MA SHAKTIANANDA in COZUMEL ISLAND // we offer many diferent methods, styles and techniques of yoga like: Sports Yoga, Pranayama, Ashtanga, Kundalini, Purna Yoga, Vinyasa  etc. etc / We have something special for your holiday!  DETOX JUICE + A YOGA CLASS (at the beach) = $ 100 pesos in CAFE DEL MARE COZUMEL. If you want to know the kind of you we going to work this week please enter our facebook:COZUMEL YOGA CENTER SHAKTIOM and to SEE THE ADDRESS AND OTHER SITE ACTIVITIES LOOK... facebook: CAFE DEL MARE-COZUMEL for any questions..  WHATSAPP: 9871113632 ///  S C H E D U L E    Y O G A   at the  B E A C H : mondays, wednesdays and saturdays 4:45 pm and tuesdays and thursday 9:30 am. /// After class we all met at the bar to share a detoxifying juice and chat. Practice yoga with us.You'll meet nice people from all over the world!We have something special for your holiday!  DETOX JUICE + A YOGA CLASS (at the beach) = $ 100 pesos in CAFE DEL MARE COZUMEL. If you want to know the type of juice and their properties enter our facebook:COZUMEL YOGA CENTER SHAKTIOM and to SEE THE ADDRESS AND OTHER SITE ACTIVITIES LOOK... facebook: CAFE DEL MARE-COZUMEL for any questions..  WHATSAPP: 9871113632

 YOGA  & DETOX JUICE= $145 pesos


Adress: Av. Rafael Melgar North, ” Playa Casitas ” 2th Palapa

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